3 Dental Restoration Solutions for Missing Teeth

restorative dentistryLosing a tooth can seem like the end of the world at first. Almost a third of the almost 178 million Americans suffering from tooth loss ignore the problem until it spreads to their entire mouth causing complete edentulism. No one starts or ends their life wanting to lose their teeth, but the loss of confidence, premature aging, and health issues involved with such a situation can make life seem unbearable. Of course, that can’t be further from the truth. Modern dentistry provides effective corrections and cures for missing teeth so you can get your life right back. But what are the best dental restoration solutions available?

Fixed Bridges

A fixed bridge is an appliance that replaces the missing space of one or more missing teeth. Unlike removable bridges that can be attached to retainers, a fixed bridge is cemented in place between the surrounding teeth. While this is a relatively simple procedure, it does take more than one appointment. During the first visit, the dentist takes a mold of the patient’s teeth and sends them to the lab. The bridge is created from a combination of materials such as metal and glass-ceramic. The patient will wear a temporary bridge while awaiting the permanent structure. And during the follow-up visit, the permanent bridge will be cemented in place.

Removable Partial Dentures

There are a few different types of dentures, but removable partial dentures are usually the easiest and most efficient denture solution for partial or full edentulism. These dentures are easily removed for cleaning but stay in with the aid of a plastic base that’s often connected to a metal frame. They essentially snap into the mouth by connecting to existing teeth. At first, this option can feel tight and be difficult to get used to. But just be patient. Like any other removable dentures, these should be removed at night. Your dentist can adjust them during a follow-up appointment in the event they’re too snug or leave mouth sores. There’s almost always a break-in period with dentures.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most advanced and invasive treatment for a missing tooth or teeth, but this is also the most effective option in many cases. Tooth loss weakens the jawbone and leads to multiple health issues, including difficulty eating, speech issues, and breathing problems. Since the facial base is gone, eyes and skin inward creating, in many cases, extreme premature aging. This all works together to fuel existing confidence issues brought upon by the tooth loss. But dental implants correct all of those problems permanently.

Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone and topped with a strong replacement tooth that looks, feels, and acts like the original but tends to be quite stronger. This procedure takes several visits to complete, but the results are worth it if you want to eat your favorite foods again, breath easily, and look years younger without worrying about removing an appliance or damaging your expensive dental work due to simple life demands. When you’re ready to repair that missing tooth once and for all, give your Fort Lauderdale dentist a call to discuss the best dental restoration solutions for your needs.



4 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

dental implantsAlmost 180 million American adults have lost at least one tooth and 40 million Americans have no teeth at all. Bacteria, tooth decay, gingivitis, diet, and lifestyle choices can be root causes of that reality. But tooth loss is more than a simple aesthetic issue. Even the loss of a single tooth can cause severe confidence problems, as well as affect your social, romantic, and professional life. Dental implants are a permanent solution that will change your entire life for the better. But why should you consider implants over other options?

Dental Implants Restore Your Smile and Return Your Confidence

Modern dental materials have come a long way, but they’re still not always perfect. Bridges and dentures are great options for those who need a fix in a hurry, but they have limitations. Composite materials can stain and dull over time. They can break, loosen, and need to be replaced. And removable dentures still need to be soaked and can be forgotten or accidentally thrown away. Eventually, other options can discolor or shift so drastically that they look fake. That’s never an issue with dental implants.

You Can Eat Your Favorite Foods without Worry

Many procedures come with a major warning to limit some foods and avoid certain ones altogether. Hard candy, taffy and caramel, salty snacks, and even citrus fruit and certain hard vegetables can crack, wear, and ruin bridges, crowns, braces, and other dental procedures. This isn’t the case with dental implants. The materials used are strong enough to act just like your natural teeth. So you can eat all your favorite foods and experience a world of flavor without worry.

Reverse Premature Aging and Bone Loss

If you’ve ever seen someone who looked as though their face was caving in, they likely have missing teeth. Once your face loses its anchor, the surrounding skin begins to sag and fall inward. Without the natural support, your jawbone weakens and shifts as well. Eyes drift, wrinkles form, and premature aging is the result. With the loss of jawbone strength, bite issues can affect the ability to eat and talk while sinuses can collapse and impede breathing. Dental implants reverse all of those issues. They can not only help you look years younger but also recreate your entire facial structure and make life worth living again.

Dental Implants Are a Convenient and Permanent Way to Improve Oral Health

Unlike other procedures, cavities can’t form on a tooth restored via dental implants. So they effectively improve the ease and effectiveness of your oral health care habits. You’ll still need to see your dentist for checkups and cleanings as well as perform oral health care at home. But since this is a surgical procedure, implants are more reliable and durable than other restoration options. And unlike other procedures that require grinding or filing existing teeth, dental implants require no such preparation. They go right into the jawbone and actually protect the surrounding healthy teeth. When you’re ready to say goodbye to faulty, removable appliances and painful root canals, give your Johns Creek dentist a call to see if dental implants are right for you.

3 Advantages of Cosmetic Bonding

cosmetic bondingAccording to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), research has proven that at least one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile and 78% of Americans perceive crooked or unattractive teeth are a deterrent to professional success. It may seem unfair and ridiculous in this day and age that something as minor as an imperfect smile could make such a difference in life. But the truth is, we’re a vain nation and physical attraction goes a long way to improve your station. That’s not to say someone needs to be a supermodel or bodybuilder to be happy. Not at all. But having an attractive smile builds trust, improves social standing, and increases attention and interest from potential romantic partners and employers. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend your life’s savings or wait years for the procedure to take effect thanks to modern cosmetic dentistry. But what are the main benefits of cosmetic bonding?

Cosmetic Bonding Is Safe For You and Your Teeth

Dental or cosmetic bonding is a procedure that involves attaching strong dental materials such as resin, composite glass, porcelain, or a combination to a tooth. The dentist then shapes the material to the desired form and light cures it to reinforce its strength. Bonding is best suited for minor cosmetic changes like repairing chips and cracks, improving worn teeth, or filling in gaps. Bonding materials are easily matched to the natural color of your teeth and actually feels and responds like your original tooth. Thus, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry concludes that bonding is the best option for repairing chipped teeth due to its ease, comfort, and strength.

Cosmetic Bonding Is a Fast Solution

A perfect smile and speedy service rarely go hand-in-hand. After all, it takes time to realign and thoroughly correct orthodontic work. However, bonding is a cosmetic procedure, not necessarily a restorative one. That means the procedure doesn’t actually repair or replace the affected tooth, but it covers and corrects the imperfections. Cosmetic bonding is a dental solution that’s strong enough for daily life stress while creating and maintaining the attractive smile you need and deserve. Unlike other cosmetic dentistry solutions, bonding is quick and easy, often completed within an hour or two per affected tooth. So you could effectively get the smile of your dreams during your lunch hour.

Cosmetic Bonding Is Good for Your Wallet

Dental work tends to be a serious investment in both time and financial resources. That’s one reason many people put off having necessary work done. Braces or Invisalign can take years to complete and cost several thousand dollars for the procedure. Porcelain veneers can take a few visits and cost up to a couple thousand dollars per tooth. And while they work wonders, dental implants are surgically inserted and they’re definitely not for those on a tight budget. But cosmetic bonding is different. For as little as $100-$400 per tooth, you can regain or obtain the smile of your dreams once and for all. Give your Manhattan cosmetic dentist a call when you’re ready to see if bonding is the right cosmetic dentistry procedure for you.

6 Foods That Will Damage Your Teeth

damage teethAmerica seems to be obsessed with perfect teeth, and it’s no wonder why. You can have the strongest and most attractive body on the planet, but if your teeth are a mess you’ll not only look a wreck but feel it as well. But achieving a healthy smile is easier than you may think. Good health begins in the mouth. The wrong food choices can cause plaque, encourage decay, gingivitis, and drastically stain your teeth. Professional teeth whitening works wonders to remove up to ten shades on your lunch hour. However, the best way to improve your dental health while honoring your body is to avoid, or at least limit, the foods that actually damage your teeth. But what are the common culprits?

Sour Candy

Any kind of hard or sticky candy is so concentrated with sugar that eating it is basically like injecting sugar right into your cavities. But sour candies are especially bad. They contain extra acids that eat away at teeth easier. And most are sticky to boot, so they’ll hang around the teeth longer. Opt for a square of chocolate instead if you really need a quick sugar burst.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit is packed with delicious flavors and loaded with essential vitamin C. But lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits are also loaded with acids that eat away enamel and promote mouth sores and decay. And don’t think you’re safe just adding it to your water. Those acids cling to your mouth too. Moderation is the key if you still need your citrus dose. Just be sure to rinse with clean water right afterward.


Professional teeth whitening can get teeth 10 or more shades brighter than box kits, so it’s no wonder teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. But coffee is one of the main culprits for stained teeth. Yes, the bitter brew is a delicious pick-me-up and loaded with antioxidants. But it’s also full of tannins and acids that stain the teeth, wear enamel. If you can’t give up your daily habit, at least consider switching to ice coffee and sipping it through a straw to limit enamel contact.


Many people love to suck and chew on ice, but that habit can be seriously detrimental to your teeth. Extreme or sudden temperature changes inside a warm mouth can cause even healthy teeth to crack, chip, or fracture. And the hardness of the ice itself can wear and destroy enamel. Never open bags, bottles, or anything else with your teeth for the same reason.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is packed with valuable nutrients. But because the water is removed from the food source, dried fruit is also sticky and contains a high concentration of sugar. If you can’t, or simply refuse to, eliminate the raisins, figs, dates, or dried pineapple from your diet, at least rinse your mouth with water right after and brush and floss 20 minutes later. Fresh fruit is always a healthier option.

Hard Nuts

Nuts are packed with essential nutrients and fatty acids an active body needs to thrive. But they’re also hard on enamel and existing dental work. Chewing on hard nuts can crack enamel as well as potentially damage braces, porcelain veneers, and even dental implants. You don’t have to avoid them completely though. Simply eat smaller nut pieces or enjoy low-sugar or sugar-free nut spreads to continue having a beautiful, healthy smile.

Dental Resolutions for the New Year

cosmetic dentist

The New Year/New You epidemic has millions of Americans more determined than ever to focus on changing their lives for the better. While over 40% of Americans make annual resolutions, only 8% actually reach any of their goals. Self-improvement goals hold a firm second place right after weight loss for chosen life changes, but so many people lose steam or give up altogether on their resolutions by March. However, some of the easiest changes can occur by simply improving dental hygiene. According to research, 42% of Americans would change or improve their smile if given the opportunity. It’s easier than ever to do so by incorporating some effective New Year’s dental resolutions.

Nix the Vices

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start a new health campaign and finally kick those vices to the curb. Smoking is still the largest preventable source of disease and death in the US, causing almost half a million deaths annually. Many issues can be discovered right in the mouth. In fact, smoking can lead to staining, gum disease, loss of teeth, and even oral cancer. Other common vices such as excess alcohol intake, sugared beverages, and processed food intake can also lead to serious dental and overall health issues. Break the habits and see how your life improves.

Adjust Your Diet

Your body and mind need certain foods to maintain proper health, and that begins right in the mouth. Good dental health habits can be optimized by eating properly, and there’s a simple trick to that: just opt for more produce over processed foods. The contents within your favorite cans, cartons, and bags may tantalize the taste buds, but they’re also usually loaded with sugar, chemicals, and acids that break down the teeth and encourage bacteria growth. Hard and juicy fruits and vegetable, on the other hand, provide proper nutrition and energy while rinsing away extra food and mouth pests, thus thwarting decay between dental visits.

Harness Those Home Habits

Approximately 30% of Americans don’t brush their teeth twice a day as suggested by the American Dental Association. Yet that’s not always enough since brushing doesn’t remove the food and bacteria lurking in the crevices. Flossing is essential, but 40% of those who do brush twice a day forget that part. Incorporate brushing twice a day and flossing once to keep the nasties at bay between dental visits. Maintain good dental health habits and your body and dentist will thank you.

Commit to Your Dental Health… And Your Dentist

You can limit or ban all vices, improve your diet, and become a dental hygiene warrior… and develop serious oral health issues, anyway. Over half of all Americans suffer from periodontal disease, an advanced form of gum disease that links to multiple bodily diseases. Daily brushing and flossing can help reverse early forms such as gingivitis. But advanced gum disease requires professional care and assistance. Your dentist can also eliminate excess bacteria, recognize early signs of multiple health issues, offer cosmetic or restoration options for a beautiful smile, and help you establish maintainable dental hygiene habits to avoid trouble down the road. What an easy way to start the New Year off with a healthy bang!

New Year, New You with Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

cosmetic dentistryDental health is so important to Americans that it’s among the top annual New Year’s resolutions. In fact, according to brand new survey results, 20% of American adults made the resolution to improve their oral health and 15% resolved to go to the dentist more often. Following through with those two goals alone will go a long way toward helping you achieve a beautiful smile. Of course, your dentist may have some tricks up his sleeve to help you get the most out of your dental efforts. But what are some of the best cosmetic dentistry solutions to ensure a new you during the new year?

Professional Teeth Whitening

Anyone can walk into a discount or convenience store and grab an over-the-counter tooth whitening kit off the shelf. But at what cost? Regardless of what the claims on the box promise, even the major name kits aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. In many cases, you’ll need several repeat applications just to start seeing the results you want… if they work for you at all. Even if the concentration of chemicals does whiten a bit, they may also burn sensitive mouth tissue and weaken enamel in the process. That’s not a concern with professional whitening. Custom-created, each patient gets the whitening levels they and their dentist agree upon. And since the procedure is performed by a professional, there’s no guesswork, mess, or disappointment. In fact, your teeth can be lightened up to 10 shades in an hour with the right professional teeth whitening treatment.

Bonding, Bridges, and Crowns

Professional studies claim that over 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. But regardless of whether you’re in that camp, that statistic doesn’t necessarily have to affect your life or prevent you from smiling. Decay, gum disease, and mouth trauma are the main reasons for tooth loss. Sometimes the eventual loss begins as a surface crack or minor chip, but those issues can be fixed easily enough. Even some severe issues can be fixed relatively easily if you get to your dentist early enough. Composite bonding is a strong tooth-colored resin/glass material that is shaped to resemble a natural tooth. A crown is a partial prosthetic tooth that fits right on an existing tooth or implant to replace the missing part. And a bridge works as a prosthetic tooth that replaces a missing tooth or teeth by attaching to existing teeth around the vacant spot. Your dentist can easily decide what is needed and perform the correct procedure so you can get back to smiling.

Porcelain Veneers

If you want celebrity perfection or to simply have the smile of your dreams as quickly as possible, porcelain veneers may be the solution. Lab created, the wafer-thin porcelain shells are color-matched and custom made to fit the patient’s needs and desires. Two appointments are all it usually takes to get the natural and gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted. While porcelain veneers are an investment, they generally last at least two decades so they can pay for themselves in the renewed confidence and opportunities a beautiful new smile provides. Give us a call when you’re ready to discuss the best cosmetic dentistry solutions for your new year, new you goals.


New Year, New Smile with Invisalign

invisalignThe new year brings upon thoughts, dreams, and visualizations of a new you for many. And yet, far too many people focus on the wrong goals and wind up ultimately looking back at the end of the year and wondering how so much time slipped through their fingers. The shocking truth is that while 41% of Americans make annual resolutions, only 8% actually reach any of their goals. Approximately 70% of Americans believe making a single change in their appearance can drastically improve their lives. Teeth are the second trait after weight that Americans feel insecure about. So if you’re in that camp, don’t worry. It’s the perfect time to start off the new year with new smile goals. And Invisalign can make it happen.

What Is Invisalign?

Traditional braces do an amazing job to correct multiple orthodontic issues. But while they’re a rite of passage for most kids, they’re simply not the best option for everyone. It often comes down to the aesthetic value. Two Stanford graduates changed the game by developing Invisalign in 1997, and the procedure was first available in American orthodontist offices two years later. Made specifically as an alternative to metal braces, Invisalign clear aligners fit right over the patient’s teeth. The clear devices allow extra freedom and remove social anxiety associated with metal mouth. And best of all, they can be removed for mealtime, snacking, and cleaning.

Who Can Benefit from Invisalign?

Invisalign is specifically for minor to moderate dental issues for both teens and adults. So while it may not be feasible for those with severe malocclusion, it can work perfectly for some common orthodontic needs. Gaps or diastema occur when the jawbone experiences abnormal growth in a person’s youth. While most kids have a gap, they usually self-correct during aging. But some gaps are stubborn, prominent, and need correction to improve confidence. Invisalign corrects those concerns just as well as traditional braces in many cases. The clear aligners can also correct unattractive and even painful bite issues, including underbites, overbites, and even annoying or embarrassing crossbites. Overcrowded teeth are also a breeze for Invisalign.

How Can Invisalign Improve Your Life?

In a recent study, over 40% of Americans said they’d change their smile if they had the chance, and over 80% of Americans dislike their smile in pictures. That’s a serious issue today with smartphones and hundreds of social media websites available at the touch of a button. But that anxiety is easily reduced with Invisalign. The clear aligners correct your teeth without drawing extra attention so your smile can shine in social situations. The aligners are practically invisible, so no one has to know you’re wearing them until or unless you feel compelled to tell them.

Watch your love life sprout wings as your confidence improves. Invisalign also works well for all types of careers, including those where you’re in the spotlight or have to be visibly active. Your smart orthodontic decisions can positively affect your career as your employer and clients notice the confidence boost and business-friendly self-improvement efforts you’re making this year. Give us a call when you’re ready to start the new year right and get a straighter smile with Invisalign.

Dental Resolutions for a Healthy Smile in the New Year

dental smile white teethThe new year is born swaddled in the promises of millions of Americans who at least temporarily want to improve their lives.  Over 40% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, yet only 8% actually reach any of their goals. Life and self-improvements are the second most popular resolution category after weight loss and diet goals. A recent study shows that a whopping 81% of Americans think their smiles are unattractive in pictures–an unfortunate and annoying issue in a modern tech-driven world. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help you get the smile of your dreams and check off at least one of your major goals this year. But what are the best resolutions for a healthy smile?

Harness Your Oral Health Habits

Approximately 70% of Americans brush their teeth twice a day as recommended by their dentist and the American Dental Association, but that means 30% don’t. And 23% of Americans have missed at least two consecutive days of brushing over the past year. Even if you have stellar brushing habits that may not be enough if you’re among the 40% of Americans who forget to floss. While brushing twice a day is essential, it doesn’t remove the food particles and plaque between the teeth that encourage and promote bacteria growth. Flossing, however, does. So brush twice and floss once daily to harness better oral health habits.

Get a Grip on the Vices

Vices can range from sugar addiction to smoking, and many vices become scrutinized as the new year approaches. According to the CDC, 15% of U.S. adults smoked cigarettes as recently as 2015. That equates to 36.5 Americans with a nicotine habit, almost half of which have a smoking-related disease. Sweet and processed foods, as well as alcohol, contain loads of processed sugar which also lead to disease and chronic conditions. Poor health vices can cause multiple dental issues including gum disease, which is linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Get a grip on the vices to take back control over your life.

Opt for Produce over Processed

Diets are a dime a dozen but permanent proper nutrition can drastically change your life… and relatively quickly to boot. Processed foods found in bags, cans, and boxes on the grocers’ shelves are chock full of chemicals that the body simply can’t handle. But other more natural foods such as real dairy products, fruits, and vegetables help scrub the teeth between brushings. Hard produce, specifically encourages saliva buildup and enzyme formation which work together to wash away bacteria just waiting to eat away at your teeth and gums. So opt for produce over processed foods to see a huge difference during your next dental appointment.

Get Back in Touch with Your Dentist

If you haven’t seen your dentist in a while, chances are he misses you. So why not make an appointment today and either discuss the resolutions you’re making to ensure you create good dental health habits. He just might have some cosmetic dentistry suggestions to help speed up your goals and finally have the healthy smile you deserve.

3 Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth

dental bondingEven the slightest dental issues can cause a person to hide their smile. Of course, beauty is subjective and what may seem like a barely visible issue to one person may stand out like a beacon to another. Anything from sudden temperature changes in the mouth to getting hit in the face with a hockey puck can cause a tooth to chip or crack. And they’re not always exclusive. Once a deep crack sets in, the chip is often inevitable. Wait too long to treat it, and the injury can cause extra sensitivity, pain, lower self-esteem, damage tooth pulp, and even require a root canal to repair. But if you act relatively quickly and see your dentist as soon as possible, simple repairs even such as dental bonding or crowns may just save the day and the tooth. But what are the three easiest ways to fix a tooth and how exactly do they work?

Dental Bonding

Bonding is one of the easiest and most affordable dental solutions to repair minor problems. So if the chip is relatively small and uncomplicated, your dentist will likely suggest dental bonding. This is a quick and simple procedure in which your dentist uses a tooth-colored composite material to cover the healthy area of the chipped tooth. They’ll file the enamel slightly and mold the composite to look like a natural extension of the tooth. Light rays harden the material, and once it’s applied a professional dental bonding can last a decade or longer without any issues or worries.

Porcelain Veneers

Larger, more prominent, or otherwise more severe chips that seriously affect your appearance may need the help of porcelain veneers. These wafer-thin porcelain shells are the Hollywood secret for red carpet smiles. But they’re easily adapted to general life needs as well. This procedure takes two to three office visits to achieve, and they are an investment. But if you’ve ever wanted a perfect smile, they’re completely worth it. Your dentist will make molds, color match the porcelain shells to your surrounding teeth, lightly file down the enamel of the tooth or teeth involved, and affix the shells once they’re created. Clinical testing has concluded that porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years without any issues, so they’re a potentially permanent solution for more obvious chips.


A dental crown is a tooth-shaped topper or cap that fits over a damaged tooth to correct the damage and restore the strength and structure of the broken or cracked tooth. Dental crowns are suggested for multiple reasons over bonding or veneers. If the tooth in question those surrounding it are especially weak, or the damaged tooth is badly discolored your dentist may heavily suggest a crown. The patient may also request a crown for cosmetic reasons. Crowns are generally applied when the chip is relatively severe, and a significant amount of the tooth is missing. A crown usually requires two visits: one to file the damaged tooth and make the mold, and the second appointment is the fitting once the crown has been completed. Regardless of which option you and your dentist decide upon to correct your chipped tooth, a simple call is the first step to a new beautiful smile.

Get a Great Smile in the New Year with Lumineers

lumineersWhen it comes to New Year resolutions, personal and self-improvement goals come in just after weight loss goals for countless Americans. Over 80% of Americans admit they’d focus on dental repairs if they had the option. While 41% of Americans make resolutions, only 8% ever reach any of their goals. In fact, according to US News, 80% of all resolutions made fail by February. An easy way around that is to enlist cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve at least one goal right off the bat. And if you really want to get a great smile quickly in the New Year, Lumineers may be the perfect solution.

Lumineers Are Convenient, Comfortable, and Long-Lasting

Lumineers are a type of porcelain veneer that is about half as thick as traditional veneers. Custom-designed Cerniate porcelain shells are created in widths of around 0.2 millimeters, so a bulky look or feel is never an issue after a brief breaking in period. Digitally created to be strong enough to withstand life demands, Lumineers are more resistant to leakage and cracking than traditional veneers. And since they can last up to two decades with good dental habits, the investment easily pays for itself.

Lumineers Correct Multiple Dental Concerns

Unlike other cosmetic dentistry procedures that take care of one or two issues, Lumineers can correct multiple dental concerns at once. Ditch the whitening strips and head to the dentist. Lumineers all discolored or seriously stained teeth without the addition of harsh chemicals or weakened enamel. Gaps, cracks, and chips can be corrected and covered instantly in exchange for picture perfect replacement “teeth”. You can even avoid the need for implants and partial dentures in some cases as long as your jaw structure and surrounding teeth are in decent condition.

Lumineers are Non-Invasive

Although traditional veneers are still thin compared to other dental solutions, their composite makeup requires a more aggressive approach to ensure they’re properly affixed. As such, irreversible removal of healthy enamel occurs. The process, while painless to most, can cause discomfort and require anesthesia to reduce sensitivity. That’s not usually the case with Lumineers. If your teeth are relatively strong prior to the procedure and you have no serious oral health issues, you may be able to avoid any tooth removal. And unlike porcelain veneers if you’re unhappy with the final outcome or placement Lumineers can be reversed.

Lumineers Are Time-Efficient Smile Solutions

Lumineers are one of the most efficient cosmetic dentistry procedures that offer almost instant gratification. Two office appointments are all it usually takes to get the smile of your dreams. Lumineers require no surgery or drilling. Minimal alteration of existing teeth is required, and the entire procedure is relatively hassle-free. And since there’s no pain and minimal to no discomfort, painful recovery time compared to other cosmetic dentistry procedures is completely avoided. Before you decide to undergo, your Lumineers transformation, be sure to do your research and choose a certified Lumineers dentist. Give us a call to start your New Year off with a bang and see if Lumineers are right for you.